Over the last month the Black Lives Matter Movement has prevailed in fighting for Freedom, Liberation and Justice. Together, we can - and will - transform.
Eight minutes, 46 seconds.
That’s how long a police officer kept his knee on George Floyd’s neck. George Floyd struggled, pleading for his life: “I can’t breathe,” until he drew his final breaths, calling for his mother.
Eight minutes, 46 seconds — a father, a brother, a friend, an unarmed Black man was murdered on the street, in broad daylight. By a uniformed officer.
His name was George Floyd. This is not a rare case.
Just after midnight on March 13, 2020, Breonna Taylor was at home with her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker. They were in bed but got up after a loud banging at the door. The break in was by three police officers who responded to the single shot of Mr Walker with twenty five to thirty bullets. They shot Breonna eight times before she collapsed and died.
Ms.Taylor had ambitions to become a nurse and then start a family. She was a focused and admirable character. She had a life which should still be here today.
Skin colour is not a weapon, nor is it a crime.
In the fight for justice, this article is going to give you some tips on how you can do your bit.
Real change begins at home. This means you need to begin discussions with your family and relatives to ensure that any microaggressions towards black people are eradicated.
Depending on your culture, microaggressions can be presented in different ways. For example some Arab folk will use the phrase ‘Abeed’ which translates to slave to describe black people. Asians will discuss how ‘fair’ a girl is and correlate it to her beauty. They’ll joke about ‘darker’ children looking ‘Jamaican’ in a condescending way.
It is these seemingly small things which are actually racist and normalise further racist behaviour.
Don’t let the small comments slide. Question the person who makes the comments. Ask them why. Don’t nervously laugh as they will interpret it as you supporting them. Then educate. Explain why they are wrong and need to change. In a period of revolution you will need to educate both people older than you, and younger.
Don’t let any excuse stop you from promoting and fighting for justice. And keep talking.
Black people are not a phase or a trend. The issues and injustice which they’re facing are always present.
We need to keep talking and causing change.
Sign petitions, defund the police (more on that next time) and most importantly, talk with your families.