GCSE | ALevels
We first like to know our students better and understand what their future goals.
This helps us motivate at times they are overwhelmed with exam/assignment stress. Our aim is that our students exceed their target grade or above. Our session work towards filling in gaps of knowledge and reviewing their work, ensuring it meets the outlined requirements set by the exam board. Most subjects are covered at various levels; GCSE, ALevel, Functional Skills & BTEC. Please do contact us to enquire about any specific subjects or course. Currently, ALevel is only provided as 1-2-1 sessions, however we occasionally have intensive group workshops.
Ahnuf, A
"The tutors at the centre helped me enhance my abilities in all 3 subjects to attain the grades I ended up achieving. I found that I become not only more confident academically but socially - I was able to explore with my tutor career aspirations and setting goals!"
Grade 9 in English , 7 Maths & Science
Studying Alevel Economics, Maths & Politics
Exceeding Targets
Nur, A
"I was struggling with understanding the literature texts and putting ideas into sentences. We learnt how to add 'PERMS' into PEELs which now I use for all subjects! I'm now more confident when writing essays."
Grade 6 in Maths, Science & English.
Studying Level 3 Business & ICT
Overcoming fears and taking control of his learning.
What we provide at the grouped sessions (GCSE ONLY):
✔ Weekly sessions at our Townfield Centre; covering English, Maths and Science
✔ Help for GCSE students doing foundation or higher for all syllabuses, AQA/Edexcel
✔ Additional hours added to sessions from February, FREE of charge for those who
✔ Coaching and exam preparation as well as subject revision
✔ Sense of achievement & empowerment as they fill in gaps if missing knowledge
✔ Tailored revision techniques and learning structure
✔ More than just a group sessions > enhance social skills & confidence
✔ Local tutor > less time traveling, more time studying
✔ Personal Statement and CV support
✔ Future career exploration and research support
When students don’t achieve the passing grade in their GCSEs/Alevels they may sometimes feel 'put-off' from studying that particular subject and give up. This is because many of them may have worked very hard at revising yet didn't achieve the grade they wanted to either pass the subject (i.e. a grade 4/C) or the grade that would've been accepted at their next step in further education. Our sessions are designed to brings back their confidence by breaking down what went wrong the previous time. Many students may realise that the revision techniques were not suitable, others would realise that they were not answering the exam in the way required to by the exam boards' examiners.
Melissa, G
Smashing barriers
"I was tutored for my English Lit & Lang GCSE. If I didn't understand something the tutor would try and explain it again in a different way. The homework would be a recap of the session with a challenge that was optional. The tutor helped me create effective notes & A3 diagrams to revise from making revision simpler."
Grade 7 in Maths, Science, English Lang & Lit
Studying Level 3 Social Sciences
Our Breathtaking Blog!
How do children learn to speak?
Do children aged five know more about grammar than all the books out there? - Skinner thinks so!
August 10, 2018
Do's and Don'ts
From separating the place you study from the place you sleep, eat, rest to ensuring you have the right mindset.
June 17, 2017
GCSE Revision Tips!
Revising effectively for your GCSE’s and potentially any tests taken in the further.
July 12, 2018